UTSA Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Constitution
• Constitution (.pdf)

Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be the University of Texas at San Antonio Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.
Article II: Mission
The mission of this committee is to create a representative group of student-athletes that will improve communication and interaction among student-athletes and the athletic administration, as well as campus and community leaders.
The University of Texas at San Antonio Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is affiliated with Conference USA (C-USA) and NCAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committees. At each level, the purpose of the committee remains the same, but is unique in its own way:
NCAA Purpose “... to receive information on and explanations of NCAA activities and legislation and, in consultation with former NCAA officers, to review and react to topics referred to it buy other Association committees and NCAA Council.”
Conference USA Purpose “... to receive information on and explanation of NCAA and C-USA activities and legislation and, in consultation with C-USA officers, to review and react to topics referred to it by other C-USA committees.”
UTSA Purpose “... to gather and discuss information regarding matters affecting the well-being of student-athletes at The University of Texas at San Antonio and to emit its judgment on these matters to the appropriate parties.”
Article III: Membership
The membership of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee shall be composed of a maximum of two representatives, an executive member and a junior member, from each of the fourteen intercollegiate sports, the athletic training staff and the cheer/dance team. Each member will serve a two-year term. The outgoing executive member for each sport shall choose a new member.
Important Rules: Membership of the committee should be a true commitment. Dedication and participation are relevant to maintain membership.
Article IV: Officers/Responsibilities
In an attempt to reflect the diversity of UTSA athletics, and to create an array of ideas/views expressed by the members of various teams, there should be no more than one representative from any one sport to serve as an officer over the committee. Committee members will elect the following officers:
President: The President will preside over meetings, serve as a liaison for the committee as a whole, and will appoint chairs of standing committees. The President will also serve as the UTSA representative to the Southland Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.
Vice-President: The Vice-President will exercise all presidential functions in the absence of the President, and will also monitor the progress of the standing committees. The Vice-President will perform such duties as are incidental to the office and which are required of the office by the committee.
Secretary: The Secretary will keep written records of the committee meetings and other general meetings, as well as review the minutes of previous meetings. The Secretary will perform such duties as are incidental to the office and which are required of the office by the committee.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will maintain proper financial statements and records for all transactions of the committee and will perform such duties as are incidental to the office and which are required of the office by the committee.
Article V: Election of Officers
The committee member who is chosen to represent the University of Texas at San Antonio at the NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference will be required to run for the office of President in the following academic year. All officers will be elected through the following nomination process.
After a number of meetings, the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will be opened to the committee for nominations. The nomination will consist of a motion and a second, with an option to the nominee to accept or decline. If there is more than one nominee for an office, the decision will be put to a vote. One vote will be given to each intercollegiate sport, training staff and the cheer/dance team. The executive and junior member from each will come to a decision on who should take the office and then cast their vote.
Article VI: Meetings
Meetings will be held twice a month and any other time that is deemed necessary. The first meeting of the school year will be held within two weeks from the start of school.
Attendance: Attendance at the meetings is essential. However, two unexcused absences per person will be allowed. Any member missing a meeting must notify the President or Vice-President within sufficient time. More than two unexcused absences will be grounds for dismissal from the committee. Anything other than the following is considered an unexcused absence: team travel, team practices, or academic reasons.
Article VII: Amendment Process
Amendments that are brought before the committee will be put to a vote. Each intercollegiate sport, training staff and the cheer/dance team will receive one vote. The executive and junior member within each group will come to a decision and then cast their vote.
Article VIII: Staff Administration and Reporting
The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee shall report to the Director of Athletics or his/her designee.
Revised: July 1, 2013